Resist Home Invasion

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Resist Home Invasion

Postby HanshiClayton » Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:51 pm

This is an excerpt from Shotokan's Secret, the First Edition. It was one of the sections that was lost when I revised the book to create Shotokan's Secret, Expanded Edition.

The home invasion robbery/rape is relatively uncommon in America because most homes contain firearms. It is more of a problem in disarmed countries such as England and Australia. Home invasion of the elderly has been a major political issue in Australia recently, with attempts to make the burglary of an occupied home worthy of a life sentence—the same as murder.

Resisting home invasion should be a major focus for young women sharing an apartment. The inhabitants and the home should be prepared to repel invaders. Weapons should be identified. Tactics should be planned and rehearsed.

For this discussion, assume that children will not be involved in a home-invasion fight. For one thing, home invaders avoid homes with children. Parents will fight to the death for a child, and that isn’t what the home invader wants. He picks a different home.

Home invasion is not a friendly tussle on the lawn. It begins with a vicious beating and is usually the prelude to rape or murder. How should Shuri II fighters prepare for it?

First, we again pay respect to a solid foundation in a traditional martial art. It takes a trained fighter to defeat a premeditated attack. Timing and power are everything.

The home invasion topic might be your opportunity to propose a private lesson in the student’s home. That’s really the best way to approach this subject. The student’s home should be analyzed for potential weapons, and the fighter familiarized with the basic skills required by the weapon. There should be some suitable weapon within reach no matter what direction the victim flees. I don’t mean guns and daggers, necessarily. Candlesticks, fire extinguishers, brooms, kitchen knives, and a grizzly-bear-sized canister of pepper spray can be distributed around the house so that some weapon is always within reach.

This line of thinking is continued in the topic about Expedient Weapons.
Bruce D. Clayton, Ph.D.
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