sen-no-sen timing

The "basic principles" are the techniques for generating power in hard-style karate.
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Re: sen-no-sen timing

Postby colinwee » Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:06 am

KyoshiClayton wrote:OK, Colin, I confess to having memorized all six Star Wars movies. (Han shot first!)

And, I often refer to "midicalorians marching two by two" to make fun of the medical theories of ki. Pretending to believe in ki does enhance karate technique. Ki theory should never be allowed to compete with antibiotics or oncology. Compared to modern western medicine, ki is stone-age superstition. Midicalorians indeed.

You hit one of my favorite topics!

Ki or chi - I have seen many an instructor abuse these concepts to explain stuff that would otherwise have been well explained using physics and kinematics.

I have no expertise on the subject save for what little I've read on acupuncture, chi, nei gong, yi jing jing, dim mak, kyusho, feng shui, and the like. And of course popular representation of such concept in chinese cinema.

But I am very family with the pain that TCM practitioners bestow when I am on the receiving end of their massage 'therapy.' :-(

Star Wars, eh? :-) I would've thought you were a ST:TOS and ST:TNG type of guy.

Colin Wee is the Principal of Joong Do Kwan in Western Australia, and a Board Member of AMAHOF Inc. Colin has recently published Breaking Through: The Secrets of Bassai Dai Kata. He has practiced three systems in three countries for four decades.
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Re: sen-no-sen timing

Postby colinwee » Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:16 am

KyoshiClayton wrote:I have a video clip of one man utterly routing a group of six opponents by aggressively attacking one enemy and forcing him back until the two of them were fifteen or twenty feet away. Then he turned and ran back at the group, full-speed, and viciously attacked a second man, driving him out of the group and finally knocking him down. Then he turned back and targeted a third man, ran at him full speed, shouting and punching and driving him backwards until he fell down.

This tactic had the virtue of turning a "gang" of six into six overwhelmed individuals who eventually scattered and ran in all directions to get away from the crazy man. ;-)

So, to heck with "sen no sen" and the like. In that situation you turn up the throttle to 100% pure aggression. Nothing subtle.

This was Eiji Yoshikawa's portrayal of Musashi dealing with the Yoshioka school where he routed 70+ swordsmen waiting to ambush him. He arrived early and attacked them while they were unprepared. In one hand he held onto one blade to keep on group at bay whilst cutting down other opponents with his other blade. This type of hyoho ... wouldn't that be a preemptive tactic on a grand scale?
Colin Wee is the Principal of Joong Do Kwan in Western Australia, and a Board Member of AMAHOF Inc. Colin has recently published Breaking Through: The Secrets of Bassai Dai Kata. He has practiced three systems in three countries for four decades.
Posts: 37
Joined: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:52 pm
Location: Perth, Western Australia

Re: sen-no-sen timing

Postby HanshiClayton » Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:47 am

This was Eiji Yoshikawa's portrayal of Musashi dealing with the Yoshioka school where he routed 70+ swordsmen waiting to ambush him. He arrived early and attacked them while they were unprepared. In one hand he held onto one blade to keep on group at bay whilst cutting down other opponents with his other blade. This type of hyoho ... wouldn't that be a preemptive tactic on a grand scale?

I suppose it would. However, if he tried it in Los Angeles he would be brought up on murder charges before being trapped in a burning house and toasted.

I don't know if you are following the news about the former LAPD officer who went berserk last week and started hunting cops. They barbequed him.

ST:TOS. Not so much ST:TNG. Loved the reboot movie.

Bruce D. Clayton, Ph.D.
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Re: sen-no-sen timing

Postby colinwee » Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:23 pm

KyoshiClayton wrote:
This was Eiji Yoshikawa's portrayal of Musashi dealing with the Yoshioka school where he routed 70+ swordsmen waiting to ambush him. He arrived early and attacked them while they were unprepared. In one hand he held onto one blade to keep on group at bay whilst cutting down other opponents with his other blade. This type of hyoho ... wouldn't that be a preemptive tactic on a grand scale?

I suppose it would. However, if he tried it in Los Angeles he would be brought up on murder charges before being trapped in a burning house and toasted.

I don't know if you are following the news about the former LAPD officer who went berserk last week and started hunting cops. They barbequed him.

ST:TOS. Not so much ST:TNG. Loved the reboot movie.


Yes, I am following the LAPD officer turned murderer story. But have been busy in the last few days so missed the barbeque ending.

The reboot movie is FANTASTIC, isn't it? It just refreshed the whole thing, and the acting is great! Can't wait to see the upcoming movie.

Colin Wee is the Principal of Joong Do Kwan in Western Australia, and a Board Member of AMAHOF Inc. Colin has recently published Breaking Through: The Secrets of Bassai Dai Kata. He has practiced three systems in three countries for four decades.
Posts: 37
Joined: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:52 pm
Location: Perth, Western Australia


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