A note on the official JKA kata manuals.

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A note on the official JKA kata manuals.

Postby HanshiClayton » Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:58 am

I have obtained the official Japan Karate Association kata manuals from Japan. In English.

Karate-Do Kata, Volumes 1 and 2, Japan Karate Association, 1994.

These manuals are meticulously detailed and absolutely authoritative. They cost more than twice as much as Sugiyama's book, and contain NO PICTURES. The books are full of footprint diagrams, like a ballroom-dancing manual.

If you ever wanted proof that the katas have devolved into pure dances, devoid of martial meaning, these books ought to convince you. You could memorize every detail of both volumes and learn nothing at all about self-defense.
Bruce D. Clayton, Ph.D.
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