A note on George Kirby

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A note on George Kirby

Postby HanshiClayton » Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:56 am

George Kirby is the senior statesman of Budoshin Jujitsu, based in Santa Clarita, CA. He has published an eight-DVD jujitsu home study course that is extremely well done and is astonishingly inexpensive. He also has four books in print, and he responds helpfully when you send him questions in email.

The home-study DVD set is: Black Belt Budoshin Jujitsu, Volumes 1-8, Panther Productions, 1992.

There are also these books:

Jujutsu, Basic Techniques of the Gentle Art

Jujitsu: Intermediate Techniques of the Gentle Art

Advanced Jujitsu: The Science Behind the Gentle Art

Jujitsu Nerve Techniques: The Invisible Weapon of Self-Defense

The DVD set is fully worth the price, and I particularly like the book on nerve techniques.

George also offers his "Big Book" of jujutsu techniques. This is an encyclopedic cross-reference of the techniques in all of his publications, and a few hundred more. it isn't illustrated, but a researcher like myself would find this book invaluable.
Bruce D. Clayton, Ph.D.
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