H. Shodan, Step 3, Te Nage, Kami Nage, Atama Makikomi

Notes on the applications that are visible in Itosu's Heian Shodan kata. (This would be Pinan Nidan for traditionalists.)
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H. Shodan, Step 3, Te Nage, Kami Nage, Atama Makikomi

Postby HanshiClayton » Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:56 pm

Reference "Te Nage" (technique 1-5). and "Atama Makikomi" (technique 1-9) of George Kirby, Black Belt Budoshin Jujitsu, Panther Productions, 1992.
Also "Hand Throw," George Kirby, Jujutsu, Basic Techniques of the Gentle Art, Black Belt Books, 1983, p 57.
Also "Kami Nage," (hair throw), demonstrated in Iain Abernethy, Bunkai Jutsu, Pinan Nidan (second cluster), Summersdale, 2006.
Also, "General holding a seal/stamp," page 169, "Beautiful woman wearing makeup," page 175 of Patrick McCarthy, The Bible of Karate Bubishi, Tuttle, 1995.

In the third move of H. Shodan, we make a long step to the rear, turning 180 degrees to the right, ending in gedan barai. In traditional Shotokan, they tell you that you are blocking a kick.

Here are some useful applications to teach at this point in the kata.

  • Imagine that at the end of the previous move (the punch), your opponent did an up-block and your right fist sailed over his left shoulder next to his head. Grab the hair at the back of his head and execute step 3. Step back, turn around and downblock. He'll sprawl on his back at your feet.


    This is "Kami Nage," (hair throw), which I learned from Briggs Hunt at UCLA in 1972. Probably every street fighter in the world knows this move, which is why they shave their heads. You can see Iain Abernethy demonstrate it in the second cluster of Pinan Nidan (Heian Shodan), in his Bunkai Jutsu DVD (link above). George Kirby uses one hand in the hair and the other on the opponent's chin to execute "Atama Makikomi," the Head Winding Throw. The Bubishi, the ancient text of Okinawan karate, calls this technique "a general holding a seal/stamp," on page 169, and then shows the exact same technique on page 175 as "beautiful woman wearing makup." There are multiple variations on the simple idea of grabbing the enemy's hair and taking his head around and down.

  • This time, imagine that the opponent blocked your right-hand punch with a left inside block. His left wrist is pressed against you right wrist, holding it away from his face. Open your hand and get a power grip on his left wrist (the forearm, not the hand), with your fingertips dug deeply into the space between the radius and ulna on the inside of his wrist. Dig deep enough and you'll hit nerves there. Now execute step 3. Step back, turn and downblock. If you keep a tight grip on his arm, this will execute a variant of "Te Nage," the basic hand throw, spilling him on his back. ("Te Nage" is often called "Kanoha gaeshi," the "turning leaf" technique.)

  • You can also go for a more formal Te Nage, where you grasp his left hand in the jujutsu "pistol grip" instead of grasping his forearm. The dynamics of the throw are the same as before. It's a little harder to get the right grip on his fist compared to grabbing his forearm.
Bruce D. Clayton, Ph.D.
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