I would like to pose a hypothetical question for the group. That is, it is hypothetical until roughly midsummer, 2010.
Suppose you knew the "real" applications of the five heian katas. All of them.
And, suppose those applications were so vicious that they amounted to murder in many cases.
For instance, you don't just take the knife away from the sailor, you cut his throat with it. You don't just kick the miscreant, you lock him down first so he can't escape and then you kick him. These are actions that a court would punish severely.
The problem is that the applications are compelling... a full case of hand grenades... but they are not suitable for presentation to children. How do we handle that?
I feel like the proverbial groundhog who sticks his head up on March first, sees his shadow, and ducks down again for six more weeks. I have struggled all my life to discover the applications of the heians, and now that I have done so, I'm tempted to hide them again.
My solution is to suggest that we substitute "student" applications for the youngsters, and then hold blackbelt seminars where they learn the "real" applications later. This could actually work rather well, giving the blackbelts a "secret" knowledge that distinguishes them from the lower ranks.