Martial Art or Martial System: A matter of semantics?

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Re: Martial Art or Martial System: A matter of semantics?

Postby Randhir » Thu Aug 19, 2010 7:06 pm

I'm advocating the traditional usage of karate,not customs (i.e Karate Gi ,1936),as a total combat system.

I cannot argue with your statement above. In fact, I find your definition of traditional karate rather clever and tasty. You place emphasis on function (use) and not on empty form (customs). That said, I continue to believe that the usage to which you refer is de-emphasized for whatever reason(s) in most traditional systems. I'm reminded of a great comment made by Bruce a while ago: being proficient at sword making doesn't transfer into a proficient sword user.


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Re: Martial Art or Martial System: A matter of semantics?

Postby milmascaras2 » Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:21 am

Hello Randhir,
I must agree with you regarding the many so-called "traditional" schools that tend to emphasize the ritual more than the substance, a trend that hopefully is on remission. My beef, however, was with those schools that overemphasize the physical fitness side of the art. While it is widely acknowledged (myself included!) that superior fitness is a tremendous advantage in a combative situation,we must not loose sight of the intent of the art, which is to overcome a stronger adversary with skill and tactics (i.e. Shotokan's Secret,4.3.2). We don't want to become Naha-te fighters. With that said, there is no more useful exercise than a contact drill to show where a weakness can be improved or a grappling drill to teach true leverage or a mental exercise tougher than multiple opponents or an armed opponent. Thank You for your comments, points well taken.
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Re: Martial Art or Martial System: A matter of semantics?

Postby HanshiClayton » Tue Aug 24, 2010 5:06 am

Gentlemen: I had an experience at the UKAI seminar last March that bears on this discussion.

In one of the sessions we were trying out one-on-one combat drills. In one of them, your partner pins you against a wall while you struggle to get off the wall and reverse your positions. To do so without resorting to eye/throat gouges was very difficult to do. I could dislodge his grip but usually at the expense of ending up on the ground under a ton of meat wrapped in a sweaty karate gi.

I encourage you to look into the kind of lessons taught at UKAI. The next camp is March 31st to April 3rd, 2011.
Bruce D. Clayton, Ph.D.
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Re: Martial Art or Martial System: A matter of semantics?

Postby Randhir » Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:00 pm

I am actually planning to attend the camp this year. The boys will be with me, of course. Sensei Rokah, in one of his online articles said that in essence, intention and breath are followed by technique. Sensei Butler made a very insightful and thought provoking statement when he said to me, "just follow your physiology". I certainly hope my intention and breath will lead me to try on many physiologically correct outfits at the camp.
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