KyoshiClayton wrote:OK, Colin, I confess to having memorized all six Star Wars movies. (Han shot first!)
And, I often refer to "midicalorians marching two by two" to make fun of the medical theories of ki. Pretending to believe in ki does enhance karate technique. Ki theory should never be allowed to compete with antibiotics or oncology. Compared to modern western medicine, ki is stone-age superstition. Midicalorians indeed.
You hit one of my favorite topics!
Ki or chi - I have seen many an instructor abuse these concepts to explain stuff that would otherwise have been well explained using physics and kinematics.
I have no expertise on the subject save for what little I've read on acupuncture, chi, nei gong, yi jing jing, dim mak, kyusho, feng shui, and the like. And of course popular representation of such concept in chinese cinema.
But I am very family with the pain that TCM practitioners bestow when I am on the receiving end of their massage 'therapy.'
Star Wars, eh? I would've thought you were a ST:TOS and ST:TNG type of guy.